Meeting Name: Board of Public Utilities Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/28/2023 6:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall - Art Pick Council Chamber 3900 Main Street, Riverside, CA Live Webcast at or
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
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23-2571 1To comment on any matters within the jurisdiction of the Board of Public Utilities, you are invited to participate via telephone at (669) 900-6833 and enter Meeting ID: 926 9699 1265. Press *9 to be placed in the queue to speak. Individuals in the queue will be prompted to unmute by pressing *6 when you are ready to speak. To participate via ZOOM, use the following link:, select the "raise hand" function to request to speak. An on-screen message will prompt you to "unmute" and speak. Video Video
23-2580 2Conduct a Public Hearing to receive public input related to electric utility five-year rate plan proposal - Adopt a resolution establishing the electric utility five-year rate proposal - Recommend City Council conduct a public hearing to receive input related to electric utility five-year rate plan proposal, adopt a resolution approving the electric utility five-year rate plan proposal, and approve changes to Sharing Households Assist Riverside Energy Program - A Resolution of the Board of Public Utilities of the City of Riverside, California, (1) establishing the FY 2023/24 - 2027/28 Electric Rates by amending Electric Rate Schedules A, D, D-TOU, EV, LS-1, LS-2, OL, PA, PW-1, S, TC and TOU; creating new Electric Rate Schedule SMEVC; to be effective January 1, 2024 and upon Council approval; (2) making related findings of fact; and (3) recommending City Council approval thereof - Waive further reading Video Video
23-2585 3Conduct a Public Hearing to receive public input related to water utility five-year rate plan proposal - Adopt a resolution establishing the water utility five-year rate proposal - Recommend City Council conduct a public hearing to receive input related to the water utility five-year rate plan proposal and consider and tabulate all written protests to the proposed water rate increases; adopt a resolution recording receipt of written protests to the water utility five-year rate plan proposal and, if no majority protest is received to those water rates, approve the water utility five-year rate plan proposal; and approve changes to the low-income water assistance program - A Resolution of the Board of Public Utilities of the City of Riverside, California, (1) establishing the FY 2023/24 - 2027/28 Water Rates by amending Water Rate Schedules WA-1A, WA-1B, WA-2, WA-4, WA-6, WA-7, WA-10, WA-11, and WA-12; to be effective October 1, 2023 and upon Council approval; (2) making related findings of fact; and (3) recommending City Council approval thereof - Waive further reading Video Video
23-2572 4Riverside Public Utilities sustainability efforts Video Video
23-2551 5Minutes of August 14, 2023 Not available
23-2570 6Excuse absence of Board Member Crohn from July 24, 2023, regular meeting Not available
23-2569 7Excuse absence of Board Member Siana from July 24, 2023, regular meeting Not available
23-2582 8Recommend City Council approve Second Amendment to Commercial Lease Agreement with Ruben Barragan and Luis Hernandez doing business as Fire Up Grill, for $191,136 in revenue for approximately 1,000 square feet of rentable space extending lease for 60-month term through August 31, 2028 - Mission Square Office Building - 3750 University Avenue, Suite 190 Not available
23-2583 9Award Bid RPU-8010 to Asplundh Construction, LLC, in the amount of $1,999,848.43 with 10 percent change order authority of $199,984.84 from Electric Distribution Line Extensions Account for Springs Circuit Reliability Project Phase 1 - Approve capital expenditure for Work Order 2019648 in the amount of $3,587,000 for design, construction, construction support, contract administration, inspection, and construction change order authority costs - Spring Circuit Reliability Project Phase 1 Not available
23-2575 10Systematic reporting on meetings, conferences, and seminars by Board members and/or staff Not available
23-2576 11Items for future Board of Public Utilities consideration as requested by members of the Board. Only items that fall within the powers and duties of the Board of Public Utilities as set forth in the City Charter and/or the Riverside Municipal Code will be agendized for future discussion. Not available
23-2581 12Legislative and Regulatory updates Not available
23-2573 13Contracts executed not requiring Board approval as of June 2023 Not available
23-2574 14Riverside Public Utilities Electric and Water Financial Results through April 30, 2023 - Accounts Receivable and Delinquencies as of June 30, 2023 Not available
23-2577 15Electric and Water Contractor and Consultant Panel updates as of June 2023 Not available
23-2578 16Upcoming City Council and Board meetings Not available
23-2579 17Electric/Water Utility Acronyms Not available